Thursday, January 22, 2009

Releasing The Church

2009 promises to be a challenging year with the Christian faith under attack in many nations, with the global economic crisis bringing its own challenges to individuals and organisations. But we know that that God is in total control no matter what the circumstances around us may seem to be.
The New Testament talks about the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:5-9). All believers have been chosen by God: a "chosen generation...His own special people" (verse 9). What a privilege to be able to access the very throne of God directly, not through any earthly priest. When Christ returns and the New Jerusalem comes to earth (Revelation 21), believers will see God face-to-face.
Therefore the Church needs to be "a ministering community rather than a community gathered around a minister." Leaders should seek less to control than to inspire and collaborate, thus allowing the Holy Spirit to work through all believers.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Four Directions

Hope you are well. While I was reflecting on Francis Frangipane's book "The House of the Lord", I sensed God tell me to look at the following four directions, which I'd like to share with you:

(1) Look back—and praise Him!
(2) Look up—and trust Him!
(3) Look around—and serve Him!
(4) Look ahead –and expect Him!

Lord, please help us all to look at these four directions in 2009, and beyond!