Thursday, February 18, 2010

Inviting You To 40 Days United Prayer

Lent has arrived. It's a season that leads to our commemoration of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus. Transforming Melbourne organises 40 days of Prayer Calendar every year. We invite you to join us in united prayer from 17th Feb to 28th March.

This year the focus is "Abiding in Jesus for Fruit That Transforms Cities - Fruit of God's Spirit to transform us and through us our cities across Australia."

You can go to the following link and download the 40 days prayer and fasting guide.

Please feel free to share your reflection here.


Melbourne Hotels said...

Thanks for sharing this... its a good thing that, a week throughout the year we have a time for self-reflection so that we know if we are on the right path.

Anonymous said...

United Prayer for Melbourne is so important. Bruce

Ross said...

Prayer is so important. That's why I'm using this time to develop my personal prayer life, and hopefully also gain something of God's heart for our city and its people.

Kitty said...

I agree with you there Ross. Praying with you on this.